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Kosovo is a new independent republic in southeastern Europe, which has been under United Nations administration since 1999.

Flag of Kosovo Kosovo
Language: Albanian, Serbian
Capital: Prishtina
Population: 2.2 million
Currency: Euro (€)
Hitchability: Average.png (average) 70% Verygood.png (very good)
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Cars registered in Kosovo have plates with 'KS' between numbers (example 123-KS-345). Your appearance and look will most likely play in your success, western people will certainly be more successful on waiting along the road and many people with Kosovo will be glad to meet and help you if possible. People from the US are generally extremely appreciated and should bring more help than for some other nation, it also ensure you a bit more safety as locals appreciate the effort given by the US government but also wish to avoid any trouble that might come by causing harm to such foreign citizen.

Make sure to keep an eye on the road you are going, if the driver make a sudden turn around, changes his natural path or take another direction, it is likely that he thinks he is doing good by bringing you to the local bus or train station. You therefore will have to be reiterative on stating that you do 'autostop' all the way.

In Kosovo, and in Serbia near the border, you may be propositioned by jitney cab drivers - regardless of how typical-hitchhiker you think you look. Some will tell you before you get in, others will wait until you're already in, all will, recognizing you as a foreigner, probably ask for amounts of 10-25 euros which is exponentially above what any local would pay.

Crossing the Border

Crossing the border from Serbia to Kosovo is generally not a problem - Timmy Tofu hitched with two drivers across three checkpoints and no one ever asked to see a passport or even looked at him.

Crossing from Kosovo back into Serbia is generally a longer process. More importantly, if you enter Kosovo directly (i.e. from Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, or by flying) without first entering Serbia you are quite likely to be denied entry to Serbia for having entered 'Serbia' (officially Serbia still considers Kosovo Serbian territory) illegally. The border guards will know because you do not have a Serbian visa stamp in your passport.


Flash Lingua

  • Si jeni? (See Yani) = How are you?
  • Me Fal (Mah Fal) = Sorry
  • Ju lutem (You Loo-tam) = Please
  • Faremendirit = Thank you