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1 byte removed, 10:06, 11 July 2013
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To get to Sweden, you want to move out of city center towards Øresundsbron. You can enter the metro freely without any checkpoints or turnstiles. Ticket controls are more frequent than in the S-trains and as expensive (750 DKK = ~100€!!). Ticket controllers (or "stewards", as they are called) do not always check tickets when entering a train, so best thing is to just act normal and get off at next station. In general, the people who freeride most efficiently sit in front of the train, thus being able to spot any controllers on each station as the train enters the platform. No rights can be derived from this statement, and it's always at your own risk to freeride. But apparently the worse that can happen if you play it right is to ask for an invoice to be sent to your home which you will promptly ignore.
==== Option I: Tårnby =====
On the road to Malmö, leading to the bridge, you might be able to hitch a ride. To get to this spot take a regional train to Tårnby from Copenhagen Central station. The slip road to the bridge is on the opposite side of the road to Tårnby station. Not much space to stop but as traffic lights cars are going slow and get chance to think about it! Next to this spot, you can also ask drivers at the hypermarket, where a lot of Swedes go shopping before returning home. (probably not as common anymore since the strong danish krona have made it expensive for Swedes to shop in Denmark. Nowadays danish people go to Sweden to shop)