

於 2009年7月17日 (五) 23:33 由 Mipplor對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
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檢查到模板循環:Template:Infobox Country埃及 搭車相當簡單. 當你在開羅外圍的地區旅行時, 搭車比找出租還容易. 有的地方 像 St. Catherine's (Mt. Sinai), 錫瓦綠洲, 和 西奈半島有很多搭車的機會. 在這裏搭車比較合適因為當地出租車已經形成了壟斷, 埃及人對外國人特別的好客,願意以任何形式幫助你 – 雖然只有少數人有私車.


On one occasion a taxi driver refused to drive me a half kilometer to the hospital for 5 LE. I simply walked up to a local, told them that I needed to go to the hospital, and they took me for free. Nonetheless, it may be better to catch a bus, a minibus, or take a taxi on long trips since they are relatively inexpensive and do not require the use of Arabic.

If you do not speak Arabic, the opportunity to hitchhike may be limited. Most people in Egypt do not speak English. The people that do speak English often times are not quite as excited by the prospect of giving a ride to a foreigner because much of the time they were educated in the British or American school systems.

If you have ever been to Egypt, you understand that many people might expect money from you in exchange for them giving you a ride (especially if you look like a foreigner). Let the driver know before leaving that you either do not have money or tell them a price. There have been occasions in which Alex had people refuse to give me a ride because they expected me to give them ridiculous amounts of money. Around Sinai, many people with normal cars consider themselves as taxi drivers even though they obviously are not.




你好: ahlan
我去 [某地]: ana harooh [某地]
你去哪裏?: hatrooh fein?
沒錢: mafeesh filoos
是: aiwa
我有 [amount of money]: ma'aya [amount of money]
我沒錢: mesh ma'aya filoos
謝謝: Shukran
再見: m'a alasalama


祝你好運. 埃及人據說是世界上最有趣而且熱情的人. 放慢腳步. 在這別跟走馬燈似的. 有時司機要停車喝杯茶.好客是埃及人天職中的天職. 如果路上有人騷擾你.別當回事兒。 除非你是個 女的, 他們不會跟你打架. 埃及人比較喜歡跟你摟摟抱抱的。


提示: 女的必須跟着男的. 即使一大群女的也是非常危險。




Sharem Al Sheiqh方向,搭車比較方便。 但是去 Taba (邊界)的私車不多。 還有. 如果你坐長途車,他把你拉到taba長途車站,然後售票員管你要 5 LE (一個人!) 就為了去邊界的600米的路. 除非你累死了,否則還是省錢買套煎餅果子把

過了邊界後搭車150m或者坐15路公交車,到Eilat公交總站, 然後搭車向北走..


EilatTaba是唯一開放的邊界。 它在在海岸邊. 記住不要在以色列走12號公路.