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Revision as of 02:18, 12 November 2006 by Djdirect (talk)

I';ve never been to the western europe page before, but why does it redirect to all of europe (including eastern europe)

And why do the countries on the europe page differ so much from the main page?

I would suggest the country groups on the main page go to:

Scandiavnia, West, East.

And thats it - except for some Lonely Planet guide books, Mediterraian Europe is pretty obscure.

Scandivaia - Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland

Western Europe - UK, France, Germany, Austria, , Usual suspects, Italy and Greece.

Eastern Europe - Poland, the Baltics, Balkans, Hungary, Romania, Czechs, Slovakians, ex (and current) Soviet countries.

I know this will piss of the polish and the lithuanians (who are 'centre'), but its tough - i've drank 6 litres of beer so I don't care - :) It's concept - rather than a geographical thing.

Excuse the spelling - I'm drunk.

Is this true?

In many (maybe all) of the European countries, trucks are not allowed to use the highway on Sundays.

I thought it was just Germany and Austria, and for Saturday and Sundays.

Hitching over the weekend is normally no problem.

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