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121 bytes added, 02:18, 25 October 2015
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Conductor usually do not check toilets. So when you see that conductor is coming, you go to toilet, lock or do not lock the door and play shitting, hold toilet paper etc. You just go out of toilet after control. But in EC and IC trains are a lot of passengers and passengers go to toilet quite often and you can not hide there because somebody already use it. So it is standard situation – you want to hide during ticket inspection and toilets are with somebody. You can try to walk around conductor or just sit or stay and be looking out of window. Because of conductor have only two carriages usually and check new passengers every stops, walking around conductor to area, where tickets have been already checked do not work correctly.
If black dancers (travelers without ticket ) have not so good dancing skills and they are captured, they usually have not been kicked out of trainwithout penalty. Conductor ask them for ID (Passport, Driving licence or identity card). If you refuse to give ID, conductor probably want to call cops. You can try to get more and more time to next stop and you go out of train in next stop, but if you are in EC or IC train, conductor have enough time for writing penalty or calling cops. The fine is Danish Crown 750 (about Eur 100) and it is written in all stops and railways. If you are not Danish, just show identity card. Conductor probably takes only your name and surname and your country, probably not your address or birth date. This is not exact identification of course.
If you loos loose on the dance floor - the penalty is your ticket and you can continue with penalty until final station (penalty price do not depend to distance, just tell to conductor your final destination). But you can not use the penalty or classic ticket to next train (You have to change trains sometimes during journey and penalty is not transfer ticket. Ticket are sold by automatic machines, these machines work with coins and credit cards. But you usually can buy ticket only for one train, strange). Good journey is for example from Flensburg (German-Danish border) to Alborg (North Denmark). Through Frederica and Arhaus. There are about 5-7 stops between Frederica and Arhaus and only 3 stops from Arhaus to Alborg for IC trains. But it means too, that conductor have enough time for writing penalty. If you get penalty, you can take with this penalty whole journey for example from Flensburg to Alborg. It is you ticket.
[[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] travelled in Denmark in August 2015 and he use trains dance floor too, because it was windy and rain whole day – not so good weather for hitchhiking. PeterOB eas was dancing from Kolding to Alborg in North trought Frederica. He was hiding in toilet (he do did not lock door, sit and hold toilet paper) or he just stay and look out of window. He do not met conductor in train from Kolding to Frederica. 7 stops from Frederica to Arhaus was more difficult. PeterOB combined toilet tactic and just looking out of window. But only two carriages go from Arhaus to Alborg and PeterOB have to change place in train. New conductor start checking tickets, PeterOB want to go to toilet but there was already somebody. So PeterOB walked around conductor and when conductor went back, he asked for a ticket and wrote penalty for PeterOB. There is a lot of time from Arhaus to first station Randers. So this dance action was not succesfull and PeterOB went with penalty to final destination and . But he will never pay the penalty DKR 750 (About Eur 100).
As you know, Denmark is very rich country and supermarkets waste a lot of food. Trash bins are easily accessible and there are a lot of fruits, vegetables, bread, some sweets and milk product. You can easily eat a lot of food from trash-bins everywhere in Denmark. So if you have not enough dance skills and you are kicked out of train, just find some meal in trash.