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North America Hitch Gathering

132 bytes added, 05:20, 14 June 2010
no edit summary
* Highlight good angles to approach Media, ie. Promotion packages with manifesto type work, at least some sort of written work on the event in our own words.
* Have set website team to deal with daily motion and postings. ([[User:gjemmott|George]] volunteers after June 19, but his drupal-fu is weak. other volunteers?)
* Start posting on, (Your Name, Jeremie, r3353(im starting with contacting groups on CS. Does anyone know a way to promote in all US states, Canadian provinces and Mexican states? i certainly dont want to SPAM them all.), [[User:gjemmott|George]] - digihitch forums seem broken, no response from admin)
** I partly fixed the forum, it's readable again. Not sure how to make it possible for people to post again. Any phpBB experts around? [[User:Guaka|guaka]] 21:42, 10 June 2010 (UTC)