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56 bytes removed, 18:33, 29 September 2017
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Another handy thing to remember is that buses within the province only cost 1 euro no matter how far you go! (But only for two hours.) That way you can get almost to [[Andorra]]'s border for only 2 euro.
==== How Black riding to [[User:Anagjordnao|AnagjordnaoBarcelona]] got twice out from Perpignan and landed directly in Barcelona===={{disclaimer}}
This is my personal advice and has nothing to do hitchhiking. But this is what has worked for me. Keep in mind I don't encourage anyone to break any state's laws. I just report what has been useful for me.
Method: wait until last minute INSIDE the train station for the train to Barcelona. Don't wait outside, on the platform. Once the train has arrived, don't go directly for it. You need to catch it last minute (or last seconds), when it is about to leave. PAY ATTENTION to the fact the usually the train halves in two, so one section will remain in Perpignan and the other one is to go all the way to Barcelona. But once you know this it is fairly easy to spot the half moving further (you'll see everyone getting off from one side and noone getting on). Be sneaky, try to get in when nobody is looking and be fast. Inside the train, act normal, go to first class, leave your backpacks on the baggage shelves, and head for the train restaurant. At the restaurant, sit and enjoy the views. Or you can sit comfortably on your cozy first class armchair. Usually there is no control at all at this stage of the trip.