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98 bytes added, 13:17, 8 May 2017
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=== Hitching on the expressway ===
[[File:Japan National Expressway Map.jpg|250px|thumb|right|This "Mapple" Expressway map is a great help as it includes all SA/PAs along with their facilities. Most bookstores should have it for about ¥850.]]At the SA/PA itself, the best place to hitch is near the offramp to the
expressway, ideally so that you've visible from the buildings — this way drivers can see you as they go in and think about picking you up before they get in their car and make the choice. From a service area with decent traffic, you are very likely to get a ride within minutes.
Note that it is '''illegal''' to stop a car or walk on foot anywhere on the expressway itself, including tollbooths, and you will be rapidly picked up by the highway police if you try. Do not allow your driver to drop you off outside a service area.
[[File:Japan.JPG|250px|thumb|left|[[User:Gutuater|Gutuater]] hitching from Yufuin to Beppu in January 2010]]
=== Hitching elsewhere ===