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4,244 bytes added, 09:22, 21 July 2016
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# Holiday vans: The drivers can also do long distances and some can travel for months.
# Truck drivers: They quite often cannot take anyone legally because of the insurances but always ask them about the possibility. Two persons is more complicated but the bed behind the seats can be good to hide your friend. They are good for overnight trips, as you may ask driver if you can sleep in bed.
== HichHiker Tips ==
This is the section where anyone can write his practical tip.
My idea is to try and make of it as much sience as possible so here are some ground rules:
* Everybody are welcome to share their knowledge.
* Read all tips prior to adding on in order to prevent:
a. Writing the same tip.
b. Writing contredicting tips which may confuse others.
If you disagree with a tip been written discuss it on the disscution page.
* Try to add tips base on theories being tested. (Example curves: try do exactly the same on both sides on various occasions and record your time and percentage)
My hichhiking theory:
Hich hiking is a game of patience and mental strength. Be preperd!
Although agree with the article above i believe the vast majorety of drivers pick up hich hikers on psycological assosiation base on looks and self intereses which sometimes seem random.
That is why we should do anything we can to maximize our chances by looking as trust worthy and avrage as we can as well as consider the drivers interest.
* '''The Avrage Driver''' - the avrage driver does not understand in hich hiking and that is why you will get a lot of gestures from drivers indicating they "stay in the area" or "not going far". It does not occure to them that even a 10, 5 mile or "only to the next junction" ride will advance you and will have critical positive mental effect.
* '''Clothing & Apperance''' - since our goal is to get from point A to B, without importance of who is going to pick us up we want to look as trust worthy or "good, nice, unharmful guys" as we can. That means dressed in quite a popular way to the place you are in. Usually it means shorts/jeans and Tshirt (preferably light color) for boys and girls and possibly dress for girls. Of course working according to situation is better, i.e. hich hike to a metal concert you might dress all black with anthrax T-shirt and 10 piercing in your face and probably get a fast, to the spot ride, but the avrage driver might feel unwilling to stop to someone of "your type" out of pregedise.
* '''Be ready to walk''' - Location is crucial and so it is not rare to walk sometimes a mile or even more to get the best position for your next ride. On the way it is fine to try and stop vehicles.
* '''Curves''' - If you are near a curve it is better stand about 50-100 meters before the curve since the driver can see you from more far and also is already in the need of reducing speed and mainly his only job is just get to a slow, reasonable velocity to enter the curve.
Standing after the curve would reduce you chance since you're being seen only on when the driver is out of the curve and is already in the task of speeding. Less people are likely to step on the break for you once they started speeding.
Standing in the middle is extremly dangerous and the least efficient since the driver is multitasking.
* '''Up & Down Hills''' - If being on hilly topography it is better to stand on the first third of the up hill side. As on curves people are more likely to stop while they are already slowing down.
The top of the hill or close to it wouldnt be a good place since the driver is focused on getting to the top.
If a down hill is right after most drivers would not stop for the fun part.
Down hill again is a bad place to try and stop the driver since he is gaining speed and not likely to give up on it.
* '''Gestures''' - Different gestures can steal the attention of the driver and gain you a ride.
All in addition to smilling and looking to the drivers eyes:
# Wave the hand in between to passing cars.
# Pointing-moving your thumb every now and then above your shoulder towards the direction.
# Even single a "little" gesture with the two fingers helps, as explained on "the avrage driver" exioma. That is where board usually comes in super handy.
My vision is to have a colective grid-table for people to add on theory and different people to add on their tests result and so things would become sientific and clear very fast.
Main problem - different cuntries, different cultures.
I hope this section is going to evolve because i would love to see others tips and try to find the ultimate hich hiking technice.
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