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250 bytes added, 19:14, 28 February 2016
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<li><strong>Longest ride:</strong> 2,502.9 km, from [[Platamon]] (Greece) (1990-08-13T16:32) to [[Driebergen]] (Netherlands) (1990-08-15T12:54), also in trip 11.</li>
<li><strong>Fastest ride:</strong> 196.1 km/h (<em>average speed!</em>), from Rastst&auml;tte Fr&auml;nkische Schweiz/Pegnitz (Germany) (2015-05-27T06:05) to Rastst&auml;tte Fl&auml;ming (2015-05-27T07:49) - the ride included a refulling/toilet stop from 6:58 to 7:09. There have been a multitude of rides where the highest speed has exceeded this value, the highest ever observed speed was in a Porsche GT3 on 2014-10-02 at about 22:40, when the digital speedo showed a speed of 269 km per hour. The highest speed in the here mentioned fastest ride exceeded this with a speed likely as high or exceeding 290 km per hour.</li>
<li><strong>Fastest <!-- short (&lt; 1,000 km) --> trip:</strong> 613.5 km in 4:37 hours (<em>actual driving time</em>), from Oostende (Belgium) (2016-02-27T08:46) via Germany back to Oostende (2014-02-27T19:29).</li><!-- <li><strong>Fastest long (&gt;= 1,000 km) trip:</strong> 3,186.7 km in 24:32 hours (<em>actual driving time</em>), from Oostende (Belgium) (2014-01-27T07:20) via Germany and Luxembourg back to Oostende (2014-01-30T14:25).</li> -->
<li><strong>Exceed one [ Light-second]:</strong> On 2011-02-02 at about 11:00 his <em>recorded</em> hitchhiking distance exceeded 299.792.5 km. It takes light one second to travel this distance, it took Prino, give or take a few <!-- 15? --> leap-seconds, 966,674,160 times longer.</li>
<li>Best [ '''Vilniaus Autostopo Klubas'''] traveler (distance-wise) for the club years of 2001/2, 2007/8, 2011/12 and 2012/13.</li>
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