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Saudi Arabia

746 bytes added, 14:53, 1 October 2015
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When you are in, hitchhiking is quite feasible. Saudis are generally well educated, as fascinated by the West. The highways are built on the USA system, and are difficult to hitch on. However, stand at an exit, and a Saudi will soon stop to ask if you need help, and will run you out to a good place. The ferry to the Farsan Islands is free from Abha, and hitchhiking in the islands is very easy, as is wild camping.
Saudi hospitality is golden (if you dont happen to be from India, Pakistan, Sudan, or any of the pool of poor countries it indentures as modern slave labour). Saudis have a warm heart, and are keen to cut through misunderstandings about their society (believe me, if you see the roads, you will have a second thought about not letting ladies behind the wheel too). You will often be offered bread, food, tea, soft drinks... especially during religous holidays. A trip to the desert, or a Saudi wedding, are priceless cultural events.
== Cities ==
== Personal Experience ==
''In 2012, [[user:lukeyboy95|lukeyboy95]] did a 4 month stint in the country as an ESL teacher. It is a great place to save money for travels. It is tax-free, you are paid in dollars, and the companies pay all living costs. Work is easy, and gives plenty of scope for planning other trips. I travelled 2 years with the money earned. Just be very VERY weary of Visa conditions. You need permission from your company to leave the country. In Saudi, it is not uncommon to be picked up without even putting your thumb out. It is a HIGHLY safe society, as you would expect with all the chopping (exagerated) that goes on... you can go anywhere, at any time. Exercise more caution in conservative zones, where zenophobia could be higher. Highways are great, with alot of private cars. I hitchhiked on the Red Sea coast, and a bit in Dammam. Very easy. The Farasan Islands are absolutely beautiful and deserted, and there are many interesting sights, including the mountains. Alot of cultural sensitivity is required.''
 "In 2015 I was able to get a 3 day transit visa at the vfs Tasheel office in Amman, Jordan (the address is:First Floor, Amman Gate Building, 7th Circle,Near Abu Aishah MosqueP.O.Box: 850445, Amman 11185, Amman, Jordan)There I convinced the guy I needed to get through overland to get a flight from Dubai (even though I had no proof), and they let me submit an application. It took 5 business days to process, and when I got it they let me hitchhike into the country from the border south of Ma'an. From there I went to Madein Saleh, and then to Hail. The police eventually caught on and told me (as I was on my 3rd day at this point) that I had to leave, so they bought me a flight to Dubai. They were always very curious, and even with only 3 days it was a fascinating experience. Knowing arabic helped immensely as many people only spoke that." -[[Categoryuser:AsiaPhysicsHipster]]
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