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Papua New Guinea

1,127 bytes added, 00:42, 6 August 2014
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:''I spent three weeks hitching around PNG in March 2013 and was absolutely blown away by the hospitality of the people. I was adopted twice, hitched a ride on a 36h ferry just by meeting the right people, was given a place to sleep every night, was fed and watered whenever hungry and sometimes when not hungry at all. The hospitality of people here actually beats both Iran and Albania which were on top of my list before. The country feels pretty dodgy, however, and there is bush knives ''everywhere''. Up in the highlands, I also got to witness some pretty unique cultural things such as tribal warfare and a compensation ceremony. All in all a pretty wild place to travel in that you'll never forget either way -- and don't forget that the red stains on the ground are betel nut juice, not blood.''--[[User:Zenit|Zenit]]
'' This country does not compare to any other place on this planet. It stole a bit of my heart, it gave me a new brother and taught me more in the month and a bit that I spent there than I've ever learnt anywhere. Its dodgy yes. But if you know the right people its safer than your average western city. Tribal laws can sometimes apply when the police only really have the responsibility of securing main roads, this poses no problems but needs adaptation for young travelers from a society where tribal laws are not even a distant memory anymore.
I saw warfare and I saw people tattooing themselves with machetes. I was given food, housed every night of my stay in png by a wide range of people, given a more adequate name and lovingly cared for. I've never been so welcomed in any other place. Such instant acceptance and such genuine care. An amazing lesson of human kindness.
Its a country with endless possibilities yet trustin one's instinct is important here, its one of the few places in the world I consider fulfilling the criteria of being of potentially dangerous. I'd definitely return. ''---[[User:Theo|Theo]]
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