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Aimless trajectory

27 bytes removed, 10:22, 28 December 2013
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It's like the "warm" part of hitchhiking. What you see when you hitchhike during the day, after waiting a few hours outside in the cold, knowing that in half an hour, at the next [[petrol station hitchhiking|petrol station]], you may wait for another few hours. It might well be that one falls asleep, or does not feel like getting off at the next petrol station, just going wherever the driver goes as to sleep a bit more and stay warm.
<div style="text-alignhttp:center"><videoflash>Ie8vLWDdo7E</videoflash></div>
[[User:Dante|Dante]] co-incidentally found the video on Youtube. It is made within an art project by Dutch artist Edwin Stolk: [ "AIMLESS TRAJECTORY", A maneuver within the enemy's field of vision].