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302 bytes added, 15:56, 13 October 2013
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=== North towards [[Inari]], [[Kemijärvi]], [[Ivalo]], [[Russia]] {{European Route Number|75}} ===
You can stand on any of the bus stops on the National Highway 4 (Sodankylantie). One such stop is just before the Santa Claus village - get there by 40min walk from the city centre, by bus 8 (walk back from the Santa village towards town) or by flying reindeer.
=== North towards [[Kittilä]], [[Pello]], [[Kolari]], [[Muonio]], [[Kilpisjärvi]], [[Norway]] {{European Route Number|8}} ===
You can stand on the roadside at the beginning of road 79, there is not so much space for cars to stop, and not so much traffic though, but it's the best you can have here.
== Other useful info ==