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Hitchhiking with a caravan

1 byte removed, 22:47, 1 September 2011
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== Going international ==
In September 2008, Berlin-based cultural entrepreneur Peter Bijl took the idea across the border, hitchhiking from [[Utrecht]] to [[Berlin]], using a theatre caravan which would be used as a promotion tool for the first Flachlandfest in Berlin, a Dutch-Flemisch Flemish cultural festival Peter initiated. It took him, and a friend, four three days to cover the approximate 650 kilometers. Along the way, where they didn't leave the German motorway, they learned that on their particular route a Polish-language cardboard sign works even better than a German-language text: out of the seven drivers three were Polish, only one was German. During the festival the caravan was used both as a stage and as a symbol. The first ride, which took off at Utrecht based pop festival De BeschavingdeBeschaving, was given by Dennis Nolte.
== The Caravan Hitchhiking Project from 2010 ==