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* The Berlitz Europe atlas includes petrol stations and has a ratio of 1:800 000, though many important cities are in the crease of the book and are difficult to read (e.g., Paris, Berlin, etc.).
* France: "Grands Itinéraires" by Michelin. 1:1,000,000, but featuring all the ''autoroutes'', service areas and [[Péage]]s plus lots of other roads. You should be able to buy it in most service areas for about 5.50 € (July 2009)
* A Another good map i've found is the 1:1.250.000 Atlante Stradale Europa edited by Istituto Geografico De Agostini (it ISBN 8851109680). It has petrol/service stations marked and it's really small and handy! just a little bit bigger than a lonely planet guide) is the 1:1.250.000 Atlante Stradale Europa edited by Istituto Geografico De Agostini (ISBN 8851109680), itIt's sold in italian book shops but can be found on amazon as well.
It's recommended you have a map that is at least 1:1,000,000 ratio. 1:750,000 is usually good enough.