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Issyk-kul lake

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'''{{Issyk-kul}}''' is an amazing and huge lake in [[Kyrgyzstan]]. There is 182 km from east to west and 58 km from north to south. Surrounded by paved road. Distance on both sided are equal between Balykchy and Karakol (app. 220km). Nothern Northern part is more developed than southern.
==Hitching Out==
===West towards [[Bishkek]]===
===South towards [[Naryn]] and [[Kasgar]] ('''CH''') via Torugart pass., also towards [[Osh]] and [[Jalal-Abad]] via Suusamyr===
===East towards [[Almaty]] ('''KZ''') and [[Urumchy]] ('''CH''')===
==Hitching In==
Coming from [[Bishkek]] is a most common way.
==Places to Visit==
 There is are many walleys valleys starting from road around Issyk-kul.
==Places to Avoid==
Avoid Balykchy and Karakol at nighttime.
==Accommodation and Sleep==
There is a huge number of hostels, guesthouses and hotels mostly of north and less on the south.
==Other Useful Info==
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