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352 bytes added, 11:35, 11 March 2010
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Many truck drivers will have an extra bunk in their truck cabin, and they are usually happy to offer it to a hitchhiker.
Wild camping is pretty much possible, OK, and legal except in large urban agglomerations. HoweverJust be discreet, away from sight of houses and roads. Private property such as farmland and oliveyards are technically off the limits, however if you arrive late, break the camp early, and leave no trace of your stay (including removing any trash and not damaging any crops), it is no problem at all to camp at those places. Beware of fires, though, as most of Turkey lies in Mediterranean climatic zone which is very arid in summer, most of country's terrain is naturally covered with dry grasses in summer months. So while wild camping, try to avoid the temptation to build campfires; even cigarette butts that are not properly distinguished and disposed of can result in damages that you can't even dream of. Another thing to take note of while camping is the scorpions (''akrep'' in Turkish), especially in southern Mediterranean coast and in [[Southeastern Anatolia|southeastern part]] of the country—keep the zip of your tent and backpack always locked, check and shake your shoes before putting them on.
== License plates ==