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3 bytes added, 19:27, 10 July 2009
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It is recommended to find a [[petrol station]] and talk to the customers. When there is none, try thumbing on main roads making sure you are in a good visibility spot and that the cars can easily stop where you stand.
==Low-cost rides==Be aware that many of the small vans and pick-ups function as local buses/taxis. The word for bus in Guatemalan Spanish is ''camionetta'' which means "a small truck". ''Camionetta'' serves as a main transportation service for local (rural) population. When you hitchhike, they will usually stop for you, too − in that case strictly say "No" (you might need to repeat it a few times).
Many private car drivers that pick you up might also want to make you to contribute to the fuel, although some might find ridiculous to charge you (especially if you are white) if you agree on sitting on the back of their pick-up. It is also a good idea to ask'' "¿Cuánto?"'' ("How much?") before you get in the car so that you don't get into a misunderstanding later on: if you don't negotiate a fare (free or otherwise) before you get in drivers often demand some kind of extortionate price once you want to get out − is it then too late for the "No" answer. Same is valid for local taxis and other kinds of transport. The good thing, though, is that fares are very low, almost always less than 2$, some hitchhikers chose to take one of the pick-ups or a bus and to pay this small amount. This is what locals do, anyway − and they often are very poor people, so it is quite normal that from you as a travelling foreigner some cash will be expected − such fees subsidize the cost of owning a vehicle for the drivers in this country. So basically, if you want to hitchhike in Guatemala, you can expect some combination of free and low cost rides.
==Precautions=="Dirty hippies" are not well regarded in Guatemala, since even the very poor in Guatemala go to great lengths to be clean. Don't carry a large bag: Guatemala is a high-crime country, and a large bag makes you a target. It is also recommended not to hitch at night.
As a general rule, on any kind of transport in Guatemala, keep a good eye on your valuables. It pays to keep your money in your bra (if you are a woman) or otherwise sequestered in multiple spots on your person. Don't let this stop you from going there though, as Guatemala can be a really incredible experience.
* [[Guatemala City]] (capital)
* [[Quetzaltenango]]
[[Category:Central America]]