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2 bytes added, 03:04, 1 March 2009
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If you have reached Dover without a ride across the Channel, you have a few options,
<li>you can try to get a ride on the road leading to the port. Difficult as there is no [[hard shoulder ]] and very few breaks in the flow of traffic allowing anyone to stop.</li>
<li>you can try hitching after the last round-about. Unfortunately it's illegal to hitch on port property (i.e. after the ''Port of Dover Authority'' sign) and although you might get away with it sometimes, the police is known to enforce this rule and send you away.</li>
<li>you can try your luck inside the Travel Centre or on the car park in front of it. The problem is that both are nowadays very quiet as most people book on-line. If you speak to people here, you might have to convince them that they don't pay anything extra for taking you across and possibly that you are not an illegal immigrant.</li>