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Brocéliande forest

297 bytes added, 12:07, 14 December 2023
info about the level of english of the locals
On a more pragmatic note, the forest of Brocéliande, even as a quite remote area, is easily hitchable. It is better to have a sign because it will encourage the people to give you a lift if you're not going to far, or get you closer to your destination.
The older people will likely not speak very good English, but they will be happy to try to tell you some things even through the language barrier. The younger people usually speak a little English but usually with a very strong French accent so you will have to try to understand it. Good luck!
There are quite a lot of youth hostels and other places to sleep, even though some are quite expensive.
[[User: QueerAmann]] spent five days in the forest with a tent they planted in the forest.