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2 bytes added, 21:46, 12 July 2012
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If you get stuck on the road at night, you can ask to be dropped off at any PEMEX (the only gasoline company of Mexico). If you talk directly to the people in charge, they will tell you what's the safest spot to sleep at. Many gas stations also have free showers and you don't need to be a truck driver to use them.
When you're inside of a town, it's better to go to the fire station. The firemen are very friendly and they are used to host broke travelers from exotic places.
[[File:Tortugas.jpg|right|thumb|300px|New born turtles in the coast of Mexico, walking towards the ocean.]]
If you're traveling through the West Coast it might be difficult to find a free camping site at the popular beaches. However, almost every beach town has a turtle camp where you can camp for free. You might be asked to do some work in exchange, like counting and liberating baby turtles!!!
[[File:Tortugas.jpg|right|thumb|300px|New born turtles in the coast of Mexico, walking towards the ocean.]]
== Precautions ==