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Deutsche Bahn

2 bytes removed, 13:53, 12 March 2021
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* For persons neither citizens nor residents of Germany, the penalty cannot and will not be enforced. As mentioned above, if given your ID, many conductors will print a fine valid as a ticket to your intended destination, making this a useful method for visitors to blackride. Beware, however, that not all conductors will agree to this, and they may insist that you get off at the next stop.
== Action blackriding == ne
In Germany if you blackride you make basicaly 2 thefts. One is that you don´t have a ticket for which you can get the 60 euros fine and if you don´ t pay couple of fines at some point debt collectors can knock on your door so in case you have no or nearly no propetty it doesn´ t need to worry you. Second theft you make is basicaly cheating. You pretend to have ticket but you don´ t have one. For this if you repeatedly don´ t pay the fine you might get to court and get day penalties which means that you need to pay certain amount of money ( depends on your income) and if you don´t pay it you go for certain amount of days to prison and German prisons are full with people who just blackride trains.