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Joined 22 October 2014

I always aspired to see the world, and after years of fighting this urge because of security and waiting for the perfect moment; I finally broke free and gave into it.

I started traveling back in 2013 after I lost my job due to lack of work. I sold all of my possessions and left on a bicycle tour with only the items on my back and in my panniers. I traveled 2,600 miles over two months, cycling through 13 states, before hitting the great state of Colorado. I fell in love with the scenery, found a job, and ended up working and skiing there for eight months.

When my job ended I went on my first hitch hiking adventure from Breckenridge, CO to St. George, Utah. The ability to be this free is exhilarating. I plan on really getting into the culture and lifestyle after I get back into the USA. I ended up making a connection in Colorado for work in New York as a parachute packer for a skydiving company. Over the course of the summer I obtained my Basic "A" skydiving license and enough money to fund a trip to Chengdu, China, which is where I'm headed in the coming weeks.

I have found many inspirations from users on this site and StP. I recently made the decision to focus my life purely on my next adventure. I don't mind busting my ass for a few months each year working to travel the rest of it.

In 2017 I spent eight months riding freight and hitchhiking between work and covered over 18,000 miles of travel.

Now I am currently in New Zealand working and traveling. I managed to hop some freight and hitchhike for a bit before work and plan on doing so afterwards.

If you're interested in [hitchhiking] check out this guide on my blog with pointers.

If you're interested in [Train Hopping] check out this guide for pointers, but in no means use this as a substitute to the real thing. This is dangerous and you should seek out a mentor before catching out. It's a must to know the safety though.

Bicycle Tour DE to CO BIKETOUR.jpg


Distance 2014 - 600 miles (Stationary in Colorado and New York working most the year)

Distance 2015 - 7000+ kilometers through SEA

Distance 2016 - ~5,000 miles hitchhiking and riding freight

Distance 2017 - ~18,000 miles hitchhiking and riding freight trains through 33 states.

Distance 2018 - In the works

I have visited 45 states so far and 7 countries (Canada, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, The Philippines, New Zealand)

Current Country: New Zealand - North Island

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