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Hitchwiki:While offline

Revision as of 22:26, 9 September 2017 by RedFox (talk | contribs)

It's great to be able to access Hitchwiki information when you're not connected to the internet. There are several options for that, all based on Hitchwiki's daily database dumps



Aard Dictionary

Aarddict is a convenient tool to access tons of dictionaries and other sources while offline. It's free software available under the GNU General Public License, and there are versions for Ubuntu, Mac OS X, Windows, Android.

An english version of 06/2012 is available here: [1])

Aarddict uses Aard files (.aar). There is a tutorial (for Ubuntu) how to convert the database-dumps into an .aar file. You have to edit the file "": "...//%s/w/api.php..." -> "...//%s/api.php...", otherwise you will get an error with the .json file.

If you're interested: The automated script for the convertion and aditional info (in German)


"HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility."


Guaka converted the Hitchwiki database dump into the dict format. If your OS is Debianic you can try to apt-get install dictd and copy this file into /usr/share/dictd

It was available at (old data, from 2008 or so) - but Google took it down.

Guaka was using this on his Nokia 770, in order to access Hitchwiki info while on the road!

OSM/Hitchwiki spots

Nokia N900 offline Hitchwiki spot navigator

RedFox made to download Hitchwiki spots along a certain route into as bookmarks.


  • Hitchzine

The print zine that Zac was working on in 2008.