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Kansas City is a city at the border of Kansas and Missouri spreading on both side of the State line.


Kansas Side

This excerpt is from the Standard Traffic Ordinances of Kansas Cities book which all cities in Johnson County (suburbs of Kansas City--including but not limited to Lenexa, Shawnee, Overland Park, Merriam, De Soto, and Olathe) have adopted:

Sec. 69. Pedestrians Soliciting Rides or Business.

(a) No person shall stand upon or along a street or highway for the purpose of soliciting a ride.

The cops may not always mind, but citizens will call 911 on you at which point the cops will have to tell you to stop hitchhiking.

Cities in Wyandotte county (central/northwest Kansas City) are not illegal to hitchhike in. Wyandotte County has a unified government code which states:

Sec. 35-404. - Pedestrians soliciting rides or business.

(a)No person shall stand in a roadway for the purpose of soliciting a ride.

This is typical code meaning you are within your rights to solicit a ride from the shoulder or berm of a road.

Missouri Side

On the Missouri side of the city, the cops have better things to do than mess with you for hitchhiking. The Kansas City, MO law states:

Sec. 70-787. - Pedestrians soliciting rides or business.

(a)No person shall stand in a roadway for the purpose of soliciting a ride.

(b)No person shall stand on a street or highway for the purpose of soliciting employment, business or contributions from the occupant of any vehicle.

Sec. 70-1. - Definitions

Roadway means that portion of a street or highway improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel, exclusive of the sidewalk, berm or shoulder, even though such sidewalk, berm or shoulder is used by persons riding bicycles or other human-powered vehicles.

Highway means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel. Street means the entire width between boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel.

Due to the wording of section (b) it may be construed by a cop on a power trip that "soliciting contributions from the occupant of any vehicle" includes soliciting a ride and is considered illegal on a Highway However, this is unlikely because of the explicit wording in section (a) regarding hitchhiking being illegal on a Roadway instead.

Hitchhiking out

From downtown you can ask bus drivers how to get to joco Johnson county community college. From there you can get a bus to the college in Lawrence (K-10 connector). Keep in mind this is going take a while for waiting and stuff. They don't make it very easy but it will cost no more then about 6 bucks all together.

Another option is to hitch from a truck stop with a trucker.


The intersection of I-35 and Missouri 152 in Liberty, MO is an ideal place to get a ride toward Des Moines.


Jason got a ride from Lawrence to KC to hitch south on the 69. Cops pulled over within 10 minutes, told him that hitchhiking is illegal in the United States of America. Whaa, after 5 weeks hitchhiking the States, now they tell him? Hit the onramp again after they left, they returned, threatened with arrest. Taken to the state line and dumped on a countryside closed road, 5 miles away from anything. Sweet! Thank you, Kansas City! Thus the 71 south is probably more advisable if you're heading south.


The ramp to I-70 from Missouri Highway 7 in Blue Springs, MO on the outskirts of the metro area is a good place to catch a ride to Columbia and all points east.


The ramp to I-70 from K-7 highway in Bonner Springs, KS is a good place to catch a ride to Topeka and points West including Lawrence. The on ramp to 70 here is very long and abnormal and the majority of the ramp is turnpike property. Make sure you are standing right off the side of K-7 and don't go walking more than a couple feet onto the "ramp" or the cops will threaten arrest. Just stand before the giant metal cross-brace sign that goes over the road where you turn off of K-7 to get to 70. In Bonner Springs here hitchhiking is completely legal, although the turnpike authority will try to tell you otherwise and intimidate you into not hitching. Have no fear as they can't do anything to you if you aren't actually on turnpike property. User:Thewindandrain was arrested here for being a pedestrian on turnpike property and let go 20 minutes later with a warning not to hitchhike. He left the turnpike property and continued to hitchhike on the edge of the road before the ramp and they never came back to bother him.

Hitching to Lawrence from K-10 may be easier, but you will have to be out of any city limits as hitchhiking is illegal in cities in Johnson County and the police will arrest you there.