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There are different types of insurances people can have for their vehicle. Often drivers refuse a ride because of insurance reasons. This article should picture the insurance situation in different countrys. Also some forwarding agencies do not allow their truckers to pick up hitchhikers because of insurance reasons.

Situation in Germany

The German Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung which means liability insurance for vehicles is obligatory in Germany. Every person in the vehicle is insured by this. If the passenger hurts somebody (for example a cycling grandmother) by opening the door, the passanger (or his insurance) is responsable for the damage.

Travel insurance

It can be a good idea to get a travel insurance that covers theft and other inconveniences. Some travel insurances totally cover medical issues, others can be combined with a usual medical insurance e.g. to cover transport back home.

I want to say something about travel insurance: I took a travel insurance before I went travelling for now already 2years. I only pay 140€ for one hole year.

Unlucky, I needed to use it already 3 times. - When my grandfather died they flight me back for free from Senegal. - When I had bus accident, they paid for my 2 weeks hospital in Mali, Business class back to Europe, ambulance from airport to my home (350km), all treatment at home (doctors, kinesics,...) - When I had malaria, I went to hospital in Kenya for few days.

I think they spend around 7000€ for these 3 cases together. I really support people to think about these kind of travel insurance! It is not a lot of money but if you need it you are very happy to have it.

Read the small letters of the insurance contract very well so you know when they will help you and when not. Like 140€ for one year means in my contract, travelling max. for 6months in a row!! But if you hitchhike it is difficult for them to keep track of you! f.e. you travel already 9 months and you need there help, you just tell them you left maybe 2 months ago. No flight tickets that they can check if you hitchhike. They only could know it if they would check my passport or my visa bill, but they don't do that. I used these one but I m sure there are other similar insurances. Read your contract very well before you start travelling.

  This article is a stub. This means that the information available to us is obviously insufficient. In these places little information is available or the description is severely outdated. If you have been there, whether hitchhiking, for travel or as part of an organized tour − be sure to extend this article!