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Things to carry

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Most hitchhikers carry a backpack with them wherever they go. The backpack should be sturdy, yet comfortable. First of all, you need as little as possible! The longer you travel, the less you want in your bag!


Most important

In order of importance:

  1. A big black marker.
    Sharpies work best. Eddings are also good, just make sure you have one with a broad end. That's easier to write with. Possibly some other colors.
  2. An A4 transparant plastic map and some spare A4 papers, or a piece of cardboard
    You'll often be able to find cardboard and paper on your way - just ask at shops or gas stations.
  3. A map of the area you plan to travel in.
    Preferably showing gas stations and tollway stations.

After that

Then, if you expect to be on the road for more longer time:

  • A large towel (doubles as a blanket, shawl or pillow).
  • Hygienic products such as:
    • toothbrush - even better in your pocket!
    • A small bottle of liquid peppermint soap--the kind which can be used as toothpaste or mouthwash as well. Try to stay reasonably clean.
  • Toilet paper or tissues. Don't ask why, just do it.
  • A stick of deodorant or spray bottle of cologne.
  • A sleeping bag.
  • An extra set of clothing, at the minimum, 2 extra pairs of socks and underwear.
  • Something to drink, food, fruit, nuts.
  • Reading material, for waits and quiet rides. (such as On the Road by Jack Kerouac)
  • A small sewing kit is crucial for longer trips (especially if you have only one pair of pants - hitchhiking with a hole in your crotch is quite difficult)
  • A journal is always a good choice to keep track of where you've been and who you've met, and to later add useful information to this wiki!


If you decide on camping you of course need some more stuff:

  • A tent (or at least a couple of large, sturdy leaf bags, one opened at the bottom and duct-taped to the other to make a 6' long waterproof bag to sleep in)
  • A pad to sleep on (1" foam rubber x 2' wide by 5' long, for example)
  • A metal cup big enough to hold a can of Sterno (packing space is at a premium) and a can of Sterno
  • A boy-scout type fork, spoon, knife set
  • A sharp pocket knife, preferably a tool-kit type with screwdrivers, etc.
  • A length of coat-hanger type wire
  • Your clothes, stuffed into your backpack, make a good pillow and make it much less likely someone will steal your backpack while you are sleeping on it.

External links

  • What to pack, quote: "Your bag is your life. The smaller it is the less it sticks outs and the less vulnerable you feel. The closer you can stick to it and less cumbersome it is the happier you will be."