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Napoli is a city in the south of Italy. It has little tourism compared to many other great cities in Italia and so it becomes a wild cesspool of treasures and crazy locals. Don't drink the barrel wine, it tastes like vinegar.

Hitching Out

North towards Roma

Right behind the central station is a road that leads to the autostrada towards the north. Hitching in this kind of area is really quite difficult because of its central location and the perhaps fear of other seemingly dangerous locals. Jason and his friend waited almost two hours for a real ride not asking for money. It was the first time in a month of hitching the south of europe had they been asked for currency.

Public Transport

Naples is really walkable. Scour those fantastic narrow streets in the Spanish quarter. There is also a metro and buses.

Places to Visit

Everywhere. Go to the small islands. Go to Pompeii, the ancient volcano destroyed town of 2000 years ago. Gaze through people's windows at families sitting together, shouting at the walls, smiling, crying.. Have pizza.

Places to Avoid

The outer areas of Napoli are reputed to be dangerous but..

Accommodation and Sleep

Hospitality sites may be your best bet, but try to arrange it in advance, if possible. Getting stuck in Napoli for the night with a huge backpack isn't the most desirable of adventures.