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Joined 25 August 2008
Revision as of 11:26, 25 August 2008 by MrTweek (talk | contribs)

I must be dreaming...


this weekend i had a lot of time to think ... i took a self proclamed vacation to,_California Santa Cruz a place that is near and dear to my heart. To meditate on how i am going to manage to plan a trip around the world without getting extremly overwhelmed.

So i arrived on Saturday August 22 2008 by way of greyhound. I had made plans to go visit some friends at the Kiva Retreat house

later that night for an afterhours party. but first i wanted to take a yoga class and maybe even get some accupucture done at the comunity center I wanted to give my self a weekend of chill out dev mode .

I still have yet to figure out what i am going to do but i think that i might start in Berlin but who knows.....