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Hitchwiki:Why we work on Hitchwiki

Revision as of 12:38, 13 August 2007 by TruckThor (talk | contribs)
Feel free to add the reasons why you work on Hitchwiki

For many Hitchwiki is a great project!



Hitchhiking is freedom. I have spent days and days feeling free, 1000s of miles, 100s of gas stations, over a 1000 people helped me out on my travels. Sometimes I felt frustration but I know that everything would work out fine. Hitchhiking is all or nothing. Sometimes you wait for hours and hours, and then there's the moment of euphoria, when you finally found your ride, and your driver is this amazingly friendly person with great stories. Life is good.

Wikis are different. Radical creation and distribution of information. Transforming la Société du Spectacle into la Société des Contributeurs. Even the smallest change can inspire others to add even more. No work is ever lost and some wikis are a haven in internet. Hitchwiki is one of these pearls. And even more, Hitchwiki is a way to give back to the world, to inspire others to go out, stick out their thumb and feel a little bit freer.


Some guy I met in Vienna was very impressed of my hitchhiking trips and called it unlimited freedom. I can't think of a term that describes it better. You can plan your hitchhiking trips very well, but it's more fun if you don't. When you start in the morning, you never know where you will be at the end of the day, sometimes you even end up in another country than expected. A lot of times, when I woke up in the morning, I had to think for a while until I remembered where I am now. When I realized this it always made me happy.
Hitchhiking is probably the best way, to learn about the people, the culture, the life and the history of the country your are travelling. You meet so many people, many different kinds of people and everyone tells you another story from his life or his country.

The more people accept hitchhiking as a common way of travel, the easier it will be. That's why I want to convince as many people as possible that hitchhiking is a great thing.

There are quite a lot of useful websites about hitchhiking on the net, but most of them never get updated. Hitchwiki gets a few changes every day and it's growing slowly, but constantly.
There is no better way than a wiki to collect lots of information and share them with everyone in an efficient way. Many people only write a few lines and never come back. But since hundreds of people are doing this, this wiki will always grow and will always increase it's value.


Maybe I haven't hitchhiked as much as some people here, but I've got some impressive mileage too. For now, all I've seen is my own country, and that's why I'm contributing here, I want other people to come and see the sights and meet the people here in Romania.

I've been hitchhiking professionally (to say so) for about 4 years, totaling some 15,000km. And I can remember almost every trip I ever took by thumbing. Hitchhiking is a life experience, it's freedom, it's socializing, it's living at the full. For me, it's almost a drug. Sometimes, when I'm really bored, I get on the outskirts of my city, and hitchhike. Going nowhere, not even hoping for a ride. Just siting there, holding my thumb out, it's a feeling I can't compare with anything.

It's a way of life...


  This article is a stub. This means that the information available to us is obviously insufficient. In these places little information is available or the description is severely outdated. If you have been there, whether hitchhiking, for travel or as part of an organized tour − be sure to extend this article!