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Pisa is a city in Italy.


Hitchhiking out

East towards Firenze

From Pisa there are two roads leading towards Firenze, the A11 and the Superstrada Firenze-Pisa-Livorno. It looks like that most people from Pisa take the latter one, since it is a bit shorter and you dont have to pay toll. An alright spot is southwest of the city on Via Ponte a Viglieri about 100 meters before the intersection where people go on the F-P-L.


Untested: One possibility is the crossing of Viale della Cascine / Via Ponte a Viglieri north-west of the city or a petrol station maybe 1km south of that point.

Accommodation and Sleep

From the tower it is a 10 minute walk out of town where you can try to pitch a tent.

One possible place is here on a meadow behind a parking lot and a car-wash north of the tower. There is a fence which is too high to climb so just walk through the bushes on the left to get there. It is not the nicest place but it is OK for one night and you are back in town in no time to take pictures before the tourist masses arrive :-) To get there walk from the souvenier market west of the tower north on Via Cammeo Carlo Salomone until you see the car wash.