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Hitchgathering/2011/Magdeburg Meeting

Revision as of 14:55, 15 February 2011 by MrTweek (talk | contribs)



Decide a location for the gathering based on the poll.

Where & When

1.-3. April in Magdeburg.

Adress: Lüneburger Straße 5, close to University (between Uniplatz and Bahnhof Neustadt). Next to tram stop AOK in the backyard. Ring at Redslob's.

(Have a look on how to hitch into Magdeburg. You can take a direct tram from exit Rothensee until about 11pm. It's quite easy to get dropped at the university or in front of the door if your driver goes directly to Magdeburg)

Preparatory work


Tomi and Valentina suggest:

  1. The "why", "what" and "how" of The Hitchgathering concept in general
  2. Differences to other gatherings, including ours
  3. Learning points from Hitchgathering 2010 feedback
  4. Hitchgathering 2011: location, preparations, facilitation, community involvement (word-of-mouth), marketing & media
  5. Allocation of roles and clarification of responsibilities for organizers and facilitators
  6. Do wee want it big? If so, how do we make it BIG (500-1000 participants) enough to stand out from other gatherings?
  7. facilitating the people who want to participate/collaborate but donno how (TODO lists, skill sharing)
  8. Deciding and start developing the communication and platform channels (Drupal or/and OpenAtrium? Hitchwiki community...)


  • writing newsletter templates for promotion and communication
  • updating the wiki and outreaching
  • Involving new people in the organization, strengthening the community