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Hitchhiker's safety

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Hitchhiking is usually very safe. The most encountered feelings of unsafety are probably concerning the driver's driving style.


Top tips for safety

  • If you doubt about the ride offered, turn it down.
  • Some say to note the registration number or vehicle model and colour (SMS this to a friend).
  • Hitchhike with someone you know. On hitchhike forums (such as at Hospitality Club or DigiHitch) you can find other hitchhikers.
  • It's probably safest to accept a ride from a couple or a single driver.
  • It's better to sit in the front of the vehicle.
  • Keep your backpack close to you (i.e. on your lap), so you grab it if you need to get out quickly.
  • Wear your most valuable stuff on your body: passport, wallet, money, mobile phone. This way you will keep these items in case you should abandon your bag.

It is preferable to choose your drivers. You can ask for rides at gas stations or truckstops. Briefly profile people by their appearance and talk to folks that seem safe/interesting. But always remember that appearances do not guarantee safety.

Women hitchhiking

For women, hitchhiking can be a bit more risky. Here are some tips to consider:

  • It is a good idea to get yourself some pepper spray, just in case.
  • You can also check if the doors open from the inside by pretending not to have closed the door properly.
  • It might be useful to send the license plate of your driver to a friend in a SMS.
  • If there are other houses or people in sight, you can wave to them or pretend to say goodbye to a friend. The driver will think that somebody has seen you getting into their car.

Apart from being more dangerous, hitchhiking as a woman can be easier. Often, women stop for other women or girls. Even families (or other usually not hitch-hiker-friendly car owners) stop to "save" women from a situation in which they think she could be in danger.

Three important factors for safe travel while hitchhiking are road safety, awareness and communication:

Road Safety

The #1 danger to a hitchhiker is not violence; it is traffic accidents. As a result, hitchhikers should make sure they are standing along a safe portion of road, as far back from the traveled portion of the road as possible (on the unimproved portion of the road shoulder). Make sure that you are visible to drivers from a good distance (100 meters or more) to allow them time to safely pull to the side of the road.


Awareness on the part of a hitchhiker will keep him or her from accepting dangerous rides- for example, a driver traveling under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. Examine the driver and vehicle. If there are signs of intoxication (slurred or erratic speech, no eye contact, open alcohol containers) do NOT get in the vehicle. Refuse the ride.


Communication is essential to make sure the ride offered is one that the hitchhiker would like to take, and that it will end at a safe spot to stop. Ask the driver before getting in his/her car: Where are you going? Can you drop me off at a service area or other safe place near your destination? Trust your instincts! If you do not feel comfortable accepting the ride, thank the driver and say no. Walk away.

See also