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Joined 26 November 2006
Revision as of 12:38, 30 May 2008 by Dante (talk | contribs)

Dante has been hitch hiking Europe as a permanent traveler since the end of 2002.

Dante is interested in the development of alternative lifestyles ( including post-nomadism / trans reality post modern nomadism ) and nomadic netroots activism oriented towards developing paradigms maximizing opportunities , and not coercion.

Dante is from Europe ( grew up and lived in Brussels , Belgium ), but also lived in Taiwan and Malaysia for about two years.

Dante has been involving himself over the last years with various international networks , such as , ( young ecologists ) ( thinker : dante )

and as hes extended family: hospitality networks. ( "dante" on and , "dante-gabryell" on )

In 2008 , Dante is trying hard to reduce the frequency of hes re-locations , and converge more of hes activities around Brussels and Berlin.

Dante also looks forward to understand and build on intentional social network dynamics and projects , including Peer Governance , Peer Production , and Open Business ; Alternative Currencies ; and Stigmergy.

As a self-learner , Dante is also interested in certain fields of cybernetics and semiotics , and would like to develop one of hes ideas for a emergent post-symbolic spatial language. , for which he still lacks programming and graphic design skills.

When Dante can not sleep , he sometimes tries to re-count the number of trips and kilometers he hitch hiked , and tends to fall asleep after counting 300 000km.

Dante has been suffering from a hitch hiking overdose since 2007 ( especially solo highway hitch hiking ) , and tries to cure it through staying in places longer then two days.

Dante s shared links :

blog : ( best viewed with firefox )


wiki: ( not up to date )

contact: dante - at - ecobytes . net

chat: dante.monson - at -

msn: dantemonson - at - hotmail . com