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Revision as of 21:42, 6 March 2007 by (talk)

Hitchhiking in the Canadian province Alberta is most acceptable in the mountain National parks. One will have the best chances of getting a ride in winter if dressed like a lift attendant or ski patrol, followed by snowboarder/skier (toque, ski jacket, snowpants). In the other seasons, the general rule of thumb is the younger and less drunk a person looks, the better chance he or she will get a lift.

When Hitching between Edmonton and Calgary, your best bet is getting a ride with a large truck. These trucks only have one passenger seat, so if there are two of you prepare to sit on a cup holder for most of the way. People will be motivated to pick you up if it is cold and you will get a ride faster, although the wait will seem alot longer then it is. Starting out at a truck stop and asking for a ride will greatly increase your chances, as many truckers have a long trip and pick up hitchers for the company they provide.
