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Revision as of 10:34, 20 September 2011 by Astikain (talk | contribs)


Organisation & Discussion

Questions to answer:

  • Is the point of hitchgathering still to popularize hitchhiking?
    • (place your answer here)
  • If so, should we aim to make a (much) larger, accessible (easy-to-reach) event?
    • (place your answer here)
  • If so, should we change the concept somehow?
    • (place your answer here)
  • (place your question here)


  • Have one main event (4-8-12)
    • (place your comment here)
  • Have a series of smaller events leading to that (May, June, July)
    • (place your comment here)
  • Have a "Kara Dere -like" event right after the main event
    • (place your comment here)
  • (place your suggestion here)

Latest News

  • In Kara Dere the date for Hitchgathering 2012 main event was decided: 4 August 2012
    • It was suggested that the main event would be a culmination point for a series of mini-meetings around Europe that could be well-prepared and organized during June and July prior to the main event. This would allow a bigger participation, more promotion, longer travels together and, of course, a wider reach.

Location suggestions for 4-8-12

Berlin, Germany

  • After four years of challenging destinations, it'd be nice to try a central, easy and popular place in Europe.


  • A lot of hitchhikers nearby e.g. in France, Netherlands, Poland and - naturally - in Germany could form the basis for a VERY big main event. A central location like this would allow the national hitchhiking clubs to cooperate in creating the event.




City, country


City, country



Website work



General communication

Social media

Media presence



Practicalities on the ground

Being done




Visa info


Promotion: DIY!

There are endless possibilities to spread the word about the hitchgathering. For example:

  • Tell your friends
  • Tell hitchhikers you meet on the road
  • Write cardboards with, the place and date (and maybe more) and place them at popular hitchhiking spots ... be creative and use your colorful markers!
  • Draw your own flyers :)
  • Spread the word around hitchhiking clubs and websites in your country/your language
  • Post on your hitchhiking / travel / nomad blog or website about the gathering
  • Tell your favorite hitchhiking / travel / nomad blog author to write about it
  • Organize a pre-meeting (can be early like May/June/July to raise attention and connect people)
  • Invent a new slogan for this year!





  • A lot of energy is spent discussing the destination. Having the destination set more than one year in advance allows to concentrate on other issue, given the limited volunteer-hours we dispose of.
  • In the previous installments, we only have a consensus on the destination a few month before the event, leading to many shortcomings in the organisation.
  • Democracy sucks

About the dates:

  • Last week end of April is a 5-day-weekend for most of Europe (the 1st of May is holyday in most countries and it falls on a Tuesday).
    • I think that is to early - in my opinion May is NOT the beginning of summer (as in: the free time I have during summer which I use to travel) and I guess most people still have to work in May/June before they start bumming around --N0id 15:24, 2 April 2011 (CEST)
  • The issue with the date has always been that people would love to have it earlier in order to travel more with the people they meet in the gathering. However, different countries have different times for the last exams, and to respect this it kinda has to be in August. But no worries, we were thinking in Kara Dere that we could have a series of shorter events (that we now call pre-meetings) that would lead to the main event, have them properly organized and fixed early enough for the whole summer, so that the early birds can meet each other already in May, June, July if they wish... and at the same time this caravan of love will gather more and more people to the actual main event.
    • Learning from the past years' experience, we've spent too much time debating the dates and locations. Now people wanted to have solid proposals for the locations coming in early enough, decide on the main event soon, and collect a bunch of people to start organizing it much much earlier. Also, it was discussed whether we should change the concept a little bit and try to have a much bigger event on a central location, and then this Kara Dere type of love-filled small event right after it.