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Revision as of 01:33, 7 April 2011 by Guaka (talk | contribs)

Place: Berlin, date: open

Since the second most popular destination was Berlin in the 2011 vote, the participants of the Magdeburg pre-meeting all agreed to suggest Berlin already as a destination. Here are the reasons for this proposal:

  • I think that after going for three years to challenging destinations, most people will agree it'd be nice to try a central, easy and popular place in Europe.
  • A lot of energy is spent discussing the destination. Having the destination set more than one year in advance allows to concentrate on other issue, given the limited volunteer-hours we dispose of.
  • In the previous installments, we only have a consensus on the destination a few month before the event, leading to many shortcomings in the organisation.
  • Democracy sucks

About the date: The numerologic pattern we've been following until now breaks this year. 4/8/12 is in the middle of the week. Anyway, it ain't too important, that date thing. So maybe we can talk about that.

One thing that people complain about is that the gathering is in the middle of summer, and people are making plans for that period. Moving it to the beginning or the end of summer would be nice.

Date candidates:

  • Last week end of April is a 5-day-weekend for most of Europe (the 1st of May is holyday in most countries and it falls on a Tuesday).
    • I think that is to early - in my opinion May is NOT the beginning of summer (as in: the free time I have during summer which I use to travel) and I guess most people still have to work in May/June before they start bumming around --N0id 15:24, 2 April 2011 (CEST)