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Earth > Europe > Western Europe > France > Poitiers

Poitiers is a city in France.

Hitching Out

File:Hitchhikingspot poitiers.jpg
Hitchhiking spot in Poitiers

South towards Bordeaux

Take Bus #4 direction Chantejeau Croutelle and exit Pte A Miteau (Centre Com) When you get off the bus at this stop walk toward Ave Da 8 Mai 1945 and take a right on it. It will take your around 10 mins or so to walk to the rotunda where you can stand to get rides either going down the A10 toward Bordeaux or the N10. Cars have to slow down at this Rotunda. You will see signs at this rotunda for the A10.

Hitching In

Places to Visit

Places to Avoid

Accommodation and Sleep

Other Useful Info