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Joined 4 July 2009
Revision as of 11:42, 14 March 2010 by GHOSTU (talk | contribs)

GHOSTU (pronounces as ['ghɔstu]) — a network name of Genrikh Klimenko [’genrih kli’menkɔ], hitch-hiker and journalist, born A.D. 1985 in Kerch, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine.

File:Into the wild.jpg
GHOSTU at home looking into the wild green younder



Grew up in Kerch. Father, former rock-musician (vocal, keyboards), an orthodox priest then, taught him of basic principles of hospitality and attitude toward people.
Since his 7 started «run aways» from home — short at first, then longer — not cause of mistreatment, but only for the sake of wandering.
Was on homeschooling, graduated from PSTGU in 2009, BA of Theology plus diploma in ancient languages (Latin and Greek).
Speaks Russian and Ukrainian (both native), English freely, German a bit. Studies Polish, French and Arabic.


Orthodox Theology, Islam, Comparative Linguistic, Ancient and modern languages (including Arabic), survival techniques, rock-climbing, diving, cycling.

HH experience

Started to hitch-hike approximately in 1998-99, unaware of the very fact he was doing the thing called «hitch-hiking».

GHOSTU near Tver', Russia, in January, heading to Sankt-Petersburg
GHOSTU near Lviv', Western Ukraine

Later, when gained some experience and owing to book «Practice of Free Travels or Free Travels in Practice» by Anton Krotov, started to run in the long distances.
Currently lives in Moscow, Russian Federation. Married, has a daughter.
Member of (member name GHOSTU and Imagine, DPU)


«Such as I am — this is the kind of person I am. Just a solitary man. Deeply mixed polish-jewish-ukrainian blood. I like asking myself questions and I question all I can see around me. I’m stiff — in the true sense of the word».


Never say never.
What’s done is done.
How do you do? — One day closer to death.
Don’t be afraid of what the people say.
Who are you and who am I
To say we know the reason why?
Some are born; some men die
Beneath one infinite sky.
There’ll be war, there’ll be peace.
But everything one day will cease.
All the iron turned to rust;
All the proud men turned to dust.
And so all things, time will mend.
So this song will end.

Hitch-hiking style

Does not count his miles and mark his «own records»
Prepares as well as possible and then improvises
In emergency situations tries to remain calm but straight
Prefers to travel alone or with a partner very well proved

Why joined hitchwiki project?


e-mail: [email protected]
Skype: gsstiff
[email protected]
ICQ: 46 45 49 186
Facebook: stoborne GHOSTU and Imagine id9868974

Special note for hitch-hikers

If you found his dead body somewhere at the roadside, here is contact information of people which might be interested in collecting such untreated garbage:
[email protected] (his father Arkady, speaks English)
[email protected] (his wife Maria, speaks English)
[email protected] (his friend Viktoria, speaks English and German)
[email protected] (his very hh partner Anton [speaks English and German])
