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A4 (Germany)

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The A4 is one of Germany's major highways. Although it enters Germany in the west at the dutch border (Aachen), and leaves it at the polish (Görlitz) in the east, there is a gap between Olpe and Kirchheimer Dreieck.


A4 crossing A9 – Hermsdorfer Kreuz

A4 and A9, another highly populated motorway from Berlin to Munich, meet at the Hermsdorfer Kreuz. There are stations named Hermsdorf as well very close to the interchange. Although they're located on both sides of the A9 south of the junction, there are signposts to them on the A4 as well, furthermore there is exit Hermsdorf-Süd directly adjacent in the south (where any possible direction is signed, too), thus returning to the intended direction is always easily possible. Hermsdorfer Kreuz stations have separate parking lots mainly for trucks, which are mostly no good places to get a quick lift, use the gas stations instead. There is a tunnel to change sides at the north border of the parking lots.

A4 westbound to A9 southbound

Try to avoid being dropped at the last station before the interchange, Teufelstal. There is no gas station, only a tiny restaurant, so few people come by. Instead, ask politely for being dropped at Hermsdorfer Kreuz West station, which might result in a detour of about 5 minutes, and tell your driver about the possibility of turning around via Hermsdorf-Süd. In case you got stuck in Teufelstal, think of walking to Hermsdorf (~5km), therefore leave the station on the service access heading south, turn left onto the road and follow that one, until you reach Hermsdorf-Süd (can be done on a shorter way, which i wouldn't recommend without a map).

A4 westbound to A9 northbound

If your driver is heading south, debark at the parking lot and use the tunnel to get to the east station. If your driver is heading east, accompany your driver through the rollercoaster (off at the crossing towards Munich, past station west, off at Hermsdorf-Süd, over the motorway, back onto the motorway towards Berlin, off at station East). From there, the interchange lies ahead, to go eastward.

A9 northbound to A4 westbound

During the day (06:00 to 22:00), it's mostly no big deal finding somebody heading west. In case this might not happen, you may think of going to the next station north, Osterfeld, which is only about 25 km away. There, use the bridge at the north border of the parking lot (follow the path for service cars northward) to change to the western station. If you forseeably would arrive at Hermsdorf after 22:00 in a car driving north anyway, it's a good idea to directly head for Osterfeld.

A9 northbound to A4 eastbound

If you are on the highway A9 coming from Munich to Berlin and need to get on A4 direction to Dresden, DO NOT get off at the gas station before "Hermsdorfer Kreuz" on A9. I waited and asked for hours and didn't find anyone going towards Dresden, because cars going to Dresden (coming from the South) will turn off earlier at the highway A72. Chances are, that the aforementioned approach via Osterfeld may produce better results, although direct connections to Dresden from Berlin (A13) or Halle/Leipzig (A14) use other routes. During daytime (esp. mealtime), it might be helpful to take a walk to Teufelstal (for precautions see above).

A9 southbound to A4 westbound

As there is lots of traffic from northern to western regions, it's no problem to get a lift from any of the stations in the north (Fläming, Köckern, Osterfeld) to the west. Avoid being dropped at Hermsdorfer Kreuz station. If so, however, and your driver is going south, you can use the tunnel at the parking lot mentioned earlier to get to the eastern station. If your driver is heading eastward, don't leave at the interchange, go straight to Hermsdorf-Süd, leave there, go over the motorway and re-join it, then debark at the eastern Station. Perhaps your driver then can pick up some stranded people heading east.