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Guatemala is a country in Central America. Guatemala can be hard to hitchhike, it depends on the places. The best way is to find a petrol station and talk to the customers. And when there is not, just stay on the main road, in a place where the car can stop and show your thumb. Be careful, many of the 4X4 and small vans and pickups function as buses, the word for bus in Guatemalan spanish is actually 'small truck' (camionetta), and this is how the rural population gets around. So they will also stop (just say no, no and no). Private cars might pick you up, but they also might want to be paid, on the other hand, they might think its so ridiculous to have white people riding in the back of their truck that they charge nothing.. Its a good idea to ask 'how much' before you get in so you don't get into a misunderstanding: if you don't negotiate a fare (free or otherwise) before you get in they often demand some kind of extortionate price once you get out and not take no for an answer (this goes for taxis and all other kinds of transport). The other thing is that fares are very low, almost always less than 2$, so it might be worth it to pay and take one of the pickup trucks or a bus: this is what locals do, and it subsidizes the cost of owning a vehicle for the driver.

"Dirty hippies" are not well regarded in Guatemala, since even the very poor in Guatemala go to great lengths to be clean. Don't carry a large bag: Guatemala is a high crime country and a large bag makes you a target. Don't hitch at night in Guatemala.


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