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685 bytes added, 13:38, 5 January 2020
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====Important roads in Slovenia====
{{E|57}} - Ljubljana to eastern Austria and Hungary
{{E|61}} - Italy and western croatia to western Austria passing Ljubljana
{{Aat|2}} - Ljubljana to eastern Croatia
Border crossing is a very luxurious hitching spot, as the traffic slows down to about 10km/h (because of the pay toll for Karavanke tunnel, when the road is busy) so the whole highway sees you clearly. There is also plenty of space for drivers to pick you up.
== Legal stuff ==
As everywhere it it not allowed very dangerous to cross the highway in Slovenia. Also be careful about crossing the red lights in Slovenian cities. You'll get a fine, if you get caught. (20€ if you pay in 1 week time)
'''Wildcamping''' in Slovenia is officially prohibited, but by my personal experience, that is not a big problem. As long as you don't make fires and follow basic ruls, people won't mind you. If you want to camp close the buildings on the private property, ask the locals. And don't try to put a tent up on the tall grass, since the farmers hate it to the bottom of their souls. As long as nobody calls the police you're good.
== Links ==
[[trash:Slovenia|Slovenia at trashwiki]]
 [[https://hitchwiki .org/en/Ljubljana]]