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Top tips

8 bytes added, 19:37, 13 February 2016
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For the average person, hitchhiking is fastest when alone, no matter if the person doing it is male or female. However, the waiting times depend a lot on how the hitchhiker looks like: someone looking as friendly as Frodo Baggins has a lot higher chances to get rides than someone looking as threatening as Hulk.
Truck drivers usually only have one "official" extra seat and some many utility cars have only one extra seat. If you look as a friendly person, is likely that for you hitchhiking together with someone else will be slower than hitchhiking alone. If you look more like Hulk, then hitchhiking with someone who has a more friendly appearance then will definitely increase your chances of getting rides.
If you're more than two it would be a good idea to split into several groups.