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10 bytes added, 03:03, 12 October 2010
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== Hitching Out ==
=== Towards all directions ===
Get a bus to a place just outside the city named ''Tinqueux''. At least one bus (bus B) heads towards ''Tinqueux'' which will run along the ''Avenue de Paris''. At a roundabout the bus will take it's own French route - but if you're walking then at this (there's only one) roundabout take the road called ''Avenue de 29th Aout 1944''. A little way past what Google Earth points to as the exact spot of ''Tinqueux'', is a street called ''Rue Charles Boucton''. Once you get there you will discover what you are looking for.
2010-09-04 JK added:
:I'm making this addition from the McDonald's mentioned above, after several hours (over three, possibly four) trying for a lift outside the Carrefour petrol station. And in theory yes this should be a great spot for picking up a lift, but in my opinion it definitely isn't. I'm hitching to Germany and came here after reading the above recommendation PLUS having it mentioned as a possible pickup point by a potential lift (which was coming from Paris) which fell through (which I'd found on
:Anyway, as I input this, I'm looking across the carpark of the Carrefour supermarket where about 20 trucks are parked up; these guys don't seem to be stopping just for lunch or a piss break, more like for the day or even the weekend (today is Saturday) - so it could easily be tomorrow or the day after before any of them come good for a lift, and I ain't waiting that long.
:The main problem here in my opinion is that cars and trucks exiting from the supermarket/petrol station/retail estate come onto the same piece of dual carriageway which leads up to the slip road turning right for the A4 for eastern France and Germany beyond.
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