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135 bytes added, 20:41, 1 July 2015
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:''Besides, on night trains they DO check regularly. Years ago it was much looser, but not anymore''
[[User:PeterOB |PeterOB]] went to sea in Italy near Venecia and Padovas in June 2015 and he use free rides with Italian trains. The phrase Fines do not exist is not complete true. First train, which [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB ]] used in Italy, was EC Train from Munchen (South Germany) to Verona (North Italy) and conductor want to give him fine and just prepare block for fines in DB Bahn. But PeterOB have succeed in many Italian trains, it I not difficult in Italy. 
As we can find, Italy have many types of trains.
 First type is regional train (Treno Regionale). This type of train have distance between stops 5-30 km, usually 10-20 km. Journey of this type of train is about 100-250 km and it takes few 2-3 hours with 10-20 stops. Regional trains are quite fast. This type of trains have only one conductor and conductor do not check tickets so often, he go only one-two times during whole journey, usually once 4-8 stops only. You can find conductor in stop quite easy – he wear blue-black suit and white shirt. Number of passengers is quite big, up to few hunderdshunderts. Some regional trains are quite crowded near big town. Conductor asks for ticket all passengers during checking, tot only new passengers (and time to next control is long). You never know, when conductor go. You can watch during trip if conductor is coming and walk around conductor during ride without backpack and in the area where ticket were already checked wait until conductor finish your wagon and go back after it but conductor go out of train in stops for give sign to driver – you can in this time go behind conductor in the train easy. You can do sit in WC, do not lock door and hold toilet paper – play shitting during control, not for whole journey. Because of not so often checking ticket and checking all passengers – you can not use Short Distance Ticket Trick or play that you were already checked like in central Europe. If you are found that you travel without ticket, conductor will ask you for buy ticket, but you will say that you have no money. Conductor usually ask you, where is your final destination and sometimes let you travel or kick you out. Sometimes, conductor ask you for passport, bat you will say that you do not have. He let you be. There are no coops in regional trains and conductor do not call police. Most of conductors are nice to free riders and speaks English good. Interval between regional trains is usually 1 hour and trains go from early morning to late evening. Some types of regional train have a lot of short wagons (8-12) and it is not visible so far in this train, where conductor is now. But some trains in north, near Bolsano Bolzano in mountains are better – you can see whole area of train and where is conductor now and this trains are sometimes crowded and have stops and arriving time in monitors. Next type of train is FSTreno. This type of train have probably one conductor and about 5-9 long carriages, you can see all carriage area (no coupes) and but not to other carriages. FS trains usually go for long distance, hunderds kilometers and distance between stops is 30-80 km. Speed of this train is quite fast, [[User:PeterOB |PeterOB]] thinks about 100-180 km/h between stops. Conductor go usually once 2-4 stops (or more) and probably check all passengers, not only new passengers. As you can see in information board, this type of trains required seat reservation (maybe because of a lot of passengers and maybe for checking tickets) and ticket is more expensive than in regional train, but you travel compete free. Amount of passengers is quite big, but sometimes not so big. Interval to next train is usually 1 hour and trains go from early morning to late evening. 
You can walk around conductor (and play telephoning) and wait until your wagon is complete checked, or stay sit on toilet without locked doors (play shitting). Of course, you can use short distance ticket trick or play that you was already checked. If you are find that you travel without ticket, conductor ask you for buy ticket first. But you have no money. So conductor probably kick you oft of rain or he might ask you for passport in some occasions or let you travel without ticket. You can tell to him that you have no passport. There is no coops or security in this type of trains and time to next stop is not so long because of high speed.
Some FS trains are Treno Alta velocita. This type of FS trains have same distance between stops but speed of this type of train can be faster. FS Alta velocita looks like high speed train (Pendolino) and there are information monitors inside and wifi inside too. But the password for wifi is probably on ticket. This type of train have probably one conductor and maybe restaurant wagon, conductor check tickets probably once 2-5 stops. Ticket for FS Treno Alta Velocita can me more expensive and of course, with reservation obligatory. You can use the same tricks like in FS trains or regional trains. If you are find that you travel without ticket, you probably will be kicked out at next stop or conductor might ask you for passport. There are no coops or security on trains (PeterOB hope), and next stops is up 100 km away.
 There are another luxury High Sped trains in Italy, which can belongs to private company. This type of trains – Treno Alta Velocita with cangoro cangoroo in logo have wifi, restaurant, streewards and conductors and obligation of seat reservation of course. [[User:PeterOB |PeterOB]] have not use and do not recommended this trains but speed of this trains is big and distance between stops long. 
Next type of train is EC train. EC trains are usually international and go for long distance. Journey length can be more than 1000 km and distance between stops 30-100 km. Interval to next train is few hours (better use regional train), ticket price about Eur 1 per 8-10 km, speed in normal, usually 100-150+ kph. EC trains have not so much passengers and two conductor (and conductors might be out of Italy). Conductors probably go more fregvently and probably check only new passengers, but remember often who is new, because of not so much passengers. And there is conductor crew change at border and checking all passengers. Toilets are probably checked too. There are bigger chance ask you for passport and conductor write fine for you instead of simply kick you out of trains. Because of international type of train, there can be cops or security in train, but it is not rule. Many immigrants use EC trains for going to France, Germany, Scandinavia from Italy without ticket and conductors know it, and this is reason of bigger chance of coops occurrence.
 Night rains are similar to EC or FS trains, but goers in night. Interval between stops is about 50-100 (150) km and journey length is quite long, often more than 1000 km. Interval to next train can be 2-4 hours. Night trains can go from Germany or France to Italy, to Rome or some trains from Rome to south. This trains stops only in big towns. PeterOB did not not try this type of train. Conductor go probably once 2-4 stops and check probably all passengers, not only new passengers. It is easy to play sleep that you are already checked in the dark. It was very easy few years back because conductors do not check tickets during night trip but now – they check it regular and probably all passengers, not only new (for example three times checking during long journey from Austria or Bolsano Bolzano to Rome). Seat reservation obligatory – that is question. If you are found without ticket, that is question, if you are only kicked out or conductor ask you for ID (Conductor first ask you for buy ticket, of course). Because of international trains, police or security can be inside train, especially now because a lot of immigrants take train from Italy. 
Last type of train is Eurostar train – international high speed train with long distance between stops. Tickets are expensive with obligation of seat reservation. And there are police in Eurostar train and if you found without ticket, conductor probably always ask you for ID or passport.
 Generally – traveling by train without ticket is in Italy very Easy }more Easy than in maybe all European countries). Classic hitchhiking is very difficult in Italy but [[User:PeterOB |PeterOB]] think that Spain is worse. There are no places for stay on the road, roads are narrow and cars have not place to stops (narrow road, a lot of cars behind) and you have not place for stay in most of cases. You can hitchhike in petrol pump, but not so much drivers stops. And it can be not allowed in petrol pump or many places near road, the fine is Eur 21, be careful about coops arriving. North is better because of a lot of German, Austrian cars go by motorway. One more think. Dumpster diving is easy in Italy and trashes behind supermarket are usually accesibleaccessible. Some food is too in small trashes. And in summer is markets in center of town and there are many garbage – fruits and vegetables at the end of market (in afternoon or evening). Distance to supermarket can be long. There are public transport – buses, trams in Cities and it is easy to take it for free. Fine is not so high. But there are entering only by front door (and you have to buy ticket from driver) in buses in smaller towns.
== [[Luxembourg]] ==