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17 bytes added, 00:20, 9 August 2011
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* Smoke from the cigarettes your drivers smoke. This is negligible if you smoke yourself of course, though it's also harder to quit smoking when you hitchhike a lot.
* Sunstrokes can occur if one can't take shelter in the shades.
* Through sweating your body looses water and minerals. It's a good idea to drink a lot of water to compensate for dehydration. Don't forget to restore your mineral levels, too. Always keep in mind to obtain some water while in town centres in summers and especially when traversing arid territory, though, as good hitchhiking spots usually tend to be in the middle of nowhere and you really cannot know when how long it will take that sweet, air-conditioned car to arrive.
Also don't overestimate these issues. Truck drivers have to deal with diesel fumes most of the time.