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The Golan Heights

13 bytes added, 21:05, 10 July 2009
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'''The Golan Heights''' is a plateau situated in north-eastern [[Israel]], south-western [[Syria]]. It was conquered by [[Israel]] in 1967 and annexed in 1982, but is still claimed by [[Syria]]. You can not pass here between Israel and Syria, and while in Syria the only city you can visit is [[Quneitra]], a ghost town controlled by UN forces.
==Hitching out==
Note: When hitchhiking, always ask where the driver is going, and do not say your destination. It is then for you to decide whether to get in the car or not.
===To [[Jerusalem]], [[Dead Sea]], or [[Eilat]]===
Warning: the primary route for hitchhiking south from the Golan, passes the [[Palestinian Territory]] and areas such as Jericho. Pay attention to every ride you take and choose your drivers carefully.
After the Tsemach Junction your next goal is the Beit Ha'Arava Junction which is reached by continuing south on Highway 90. From there, you can either chose to go to Jerusalem, or continue on to either the Dead Sea or Eilat. On the way to Beit Ha'arava, a common location for drivers is Beit She'an which is also a location that many people hitchhike from.
===To [[Tiberias]]===There are two ways of getting to Tiberias, either going around the top of the Kinneret, or its bottom. Depending on where you are, you will have to decide which is more convenient for you. Going around the bottom is usually the easiest and simplest way, but there obviously places where going over the top just makes more sense. To go around the bottom, your first goal is the Tsemach Junction at the bottom tip of the Kinneret. There are three ways of getting there: a) Taking Highway 98, which runs along the eastern border of [[Israel]] southward down from the Golan. b) Taking Highway 92, which runs along the eastern bank of the Kinneret. c)Take Highway 98 to Route 789, which runs by such towns as Afik, Ne'ot Golan, Bnei Yehuda, and Giv'at Yoav, to Highway 92 and then southward. Many drivers tend to take option "c" and is usually a good choice.
In terms of going over the top of the Kinneret there are also two options: a)taking Highway 91 to Highway 90 and the head southward, or take Highway 87 to Highway 90 and head southward.
=== Continuing to Jerusalem===
Get off at the Beit HaArava Junction, and continue at the [[trempiada]] at the beginning of Highway 1 going east to Jerusalem. From here, it is best to wait for a ride that is going directly to Jerusalem without any stop, unless your goal is not actually to get to Jerusalem, but a settlement along the way, such as Ma'ale Adummim, in which case there should be people headed there as well.
===Continuing to the Dead Sea and Eilat===
Either pass the Beit HaArava Junction or just continue south from it. Everyone going south will be going at least as far as the Dead Sea, which is just 2 kilometers south. Depending on where part of the Dead Sea you want, just stick to the Highway and go as far south as you chose. To get to Eilat, just continue south on the highway, as far as possible until it hits Eilat, which is approximately 200 kilometers south of the Beit HaArava Junction.
==Hitching in==
===From [[Jerusalem]]===
Your first goal is the Beit HaArava Junction, which connects Highway 1 going west from Jerusalem, to Highway 90, which goes north to the Kinneret.
===From [[Dead Sea]] and [[Eilat]]===
Continue up Highway 90 and follow the direction from the Beit HaArava Junction shown in the directions from Jerusalem.