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Luxembourg (City)

26 bytes removed, 12:16, 25 November 2008
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===North and West towards [[Belgium]], [[Netherlands]], etc===
<ol><li># Get the line 50 train from Luxembourg City station for around 2 euro. Get off at the Capellen stop and walk less than 1 km west to some of the biggest petrol stations in Europe! Walk towards the motorway which you can see from the train station and take the first road right alongside the fields. After 5 minutes you will come to the petrol station fence. There is a hole near the top to climb through (BE CAREFUL). Many truck drivers use this service station. I was waiting less than 10 minutes.</li><li> # Follow the Route d'Arlon to the entry onto the A6/[[E25]]. This is a walk of about 4km from the town center. You can partially use bus 7. From the sliproad you can get a ride straight to [[Brussels]], but if that fails, the above mentioned Capellen stop ('aire de Capellen') is just about 10km down the road, and from there you can get rides to about anywhere in [[Belgium]] and the [[Netherlands]].</li></ol>
===East towards [[Germany]], [[Poland]], etc===