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Hitchhiker's safety

155 bytes added, 02:54, 19 June 2008
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'''[[Hitchhiking ]] is usually very safe'''. The most encountered feelings of unsafety are probably concerning the driver's driving style.
You should make sure you are standing along a safe portion of road, as far back from the traveled portion of the road as possible (on the unimproved portion of the road shoulder). Make sure that you are visible to drivers from a good distance (100 meters or more is ideal) to allow them time to safely pull to the side of the road. Wear visible clothes, also while walking on the road!
Sometimes, especially but not exclusively at night, drivers will [[pick up a hitchhiker ]] because they are tired and sleepy, but must get to their destination on time. Make sure you never fall asleep in someone's car if you are suspecting this might be the case. Even if you can't find a conversation topic, stay alert. If you have a driving license you might indicate your driver of this fact. In some cases he or she will be happy to let you drive.
The hitch-hiker hitchhiker should see himself as an agent of road safety. Only one study has ever been made on the subject of hitchhiking's impact on road safety, and it appears that it has no negative impact, if not positive. It implies that the hitch-hiker hitchhiker should stay safe, be seen especially at night, remind the driver of the speed limitations, and be willing to cooperate with all professionals of the road.
== Top tips for safety ==
* Wear well visible [[clothes]], stand at a safe spot, be careful while walking on the road.
* If you doubt about the ride offered, turn it down.
* You can also check if the doors open from the inside by pretending not to have closed the door properly.
* Wear your most valuable stuff on your body: passport, wallet, money, mobile phone. This way you will keep these items in case you should abandon your bag.
* If there are other houses or people in sight, you can wave to them or pretend to say goodbye to a friend. The driver will think that somebody has seen you getting into their car.
* If getting in a truck or car driving longdistancelong-distance, maybe to where you want to go, including sleeping in the truck with the driver. Never tell yes to go all way from the begginingbeginning. Say you are going to visit a friend in a city on the way and then when you get a feeling of safety with the driver tell him that you will wisit visit your friend some other time and go all the way now.
* Aim to leave the vehicle at a safe spot.
* Always trust your instictsinstincts.
* Think positive and you will attract positive. Do nothing of this and you might be safer.
It is preferable to choose your drivers. You can ask for rides at [[gas stations station]]s or truckstopstruck stops. Briefly profile people by their appearance and talk to folks that seem safe/interesting. But always remember that appearances do not guarantee safety.
One of the safest ones to get a lift from is the truck drivers. You sit far away from the driver. You are always able to open the door if needed (just dont jump wile the truck are moving if you like your life moving again). Big trucks in Vestern europe [[Western Europe]] anyway also have a sensor on there trucks that let there boss know exactly where they are. Going off the road or stopping for some minutes and the boss will be all over the case, calling on the phone...
== Leaving the vehicle early ==
=== Even more info ===
* [ Bad hitchiking hitchhiking - Sharing stories?] in CouchSurfing group about hitchhiking.